Leadership Development and Team Coaching

A Supportive Team Culture Produces Amazing Outcomes

When team members are in positions that honor their strengths, they feel that they offer a valuable service to help the team reach a goal. Like a well-synchronized symphony or a sports team, a united group accomplishes what no individual could do alone. Success builds upon success and becomes sustainable. We call this having “united momentum.”

Ask yourself these questions to determine if your team is operating at this level.

  • Do managers have time to focus on high-level tasks, such as optimizing human talents, setting priorities, improving moral, and communicating their vision?

  • Do team members actively listen and ask probing questions during meetings?

  • Do team members initiate meetings to collaborate and innovate?

  • Do team members and leaders view evaluations as relevant, and as learning opportunities, for all parties?

  • Do team members show up when they should? And do they follow through?

  • Do team members and leaders problem solve and brainstorm together?

  • Is the team performing at, or above, expectations?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, consider investing in coaching for the team. Creating a thriving culture requires diligent cultivation and care. Leading groups without that special united momentum culture can frustrate the most dedicated managers, even if the individual members are smart, capable, and motivated.

Great leaders recognize that their employees are the key to success. The best leaders are those who recognize that cultivating a thriving work culture extends from the company to the community it surrounds.

While the ideal time to build culture is preemptively, it often takes a pain point to get our attention. While transition is necessary, and beneficial, in the cycle of development, the culture of a group can suffer during transitions because so much is changing at once. Team coaching provides a firm and common foundation to build upon. Coaching provides stability and consistency. That foundation makes it easier to resist the temptation to hire based on personality vs total functionality of a position. Transitions can often be a time when people end up in positions that do not honor their strengths.

As a leader, you want to guide your team to succeed. I will help you see how the strengths of individual members can best benefit the team. By intentionally optimizing strengths, you will:

  • increase overall productivity and morale

  • micromanage less

  • inspire more

Imagine… The individuals on your team waking up excited to work towards a meaningful goal. They feel inspired to complete tasks they would normally avoid, because they understand how each part connects to a larger vision. I work with leaders and teams to promote deep thinking and strategic action to help empower their organization and drive their goals. I will help you align team members with ways that they, and the team, can experience the most fulfillment and success.

Would you like to lead a team enjoying united momentum?

Strategic Planning & Dream Storming:

I help groups put their vision into concrete words and actions. Strategic Planning and Dream Storming can help you move from the possibilities stage to implementation stage. The structured process includes:

  • Developing or refining your Vision and Mission Statement.

  • Defining core values.

  • Aligning objectives.

  • Developing strategies and action plans.

  • Determining specific goals and measurable outcomes to establish ROI.


One Size Does Not Fit All!

We’ll help you customize your unique needs with tools that bring results with options for individuals or groups that fit a variety of time and financial investment. We’ll start by identifying where you are and help you move to where you want to be.


The power of perspective starts with self-awareness. As defined by the ICF, “coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

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Workshops and training are great ways to get everyone on the same page and speaking a common language within a short amount of time. Whether you’re at the beginning or ready to take the next step, we have a program to move you forward. If not, we’ll customize one to meet your specific needs.


Through assessments leaders gain awareness of self, recognition of others, and skills for improved communication. Using predictive analytics, tools provide reliable data to reveal your organization’s unique culture and potential.

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We can develop customized options for your coaching goals.